Our evaluation team is ready to help your organization design and implement a program evaluation plan that will work for you. We know that every program is unique and that program evaluation in real life is never as clean and easy as it appears on paper. We enjoy working with our clients to solve the challenges that arise when conducting evaluation efforts in the real world.

Some highlights of our experience:

  • We are currently the principal investigators for two long-term, federally funded, research studies (one of which is a randomized control trial) involving thousands of youth each year. 

  • We serve as the external evaluator for a Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) grant to analyze the impact of nursing education in rural primary care clinics.

  • We are the analysts for multiple youth risk behavior surveys throughout the state of Virginia, and are on the Qualified List of External Evaluators for the Hawaii Department of Education.

We offer a full range of evaluation services.

research design

the first step to a great program evaluation

Taking the time at the start of a project to carefully develop your research design will help make the project run as smoothly as possible with minimum spending of effort, money and time.

Our experts will guide you through the research design process to determine the scope and purpose, variables, and data needs specific to your program or project. We will assist you in the effective front-end development of a cohesive methodology, sampling plan, data collection plan, and analysis plan that will allow for the smooth implementation of your research project.

Once the research design has been finalized, our experts will assist with data collection, analysis, and interpretation of results.

instrument development

Your program is only as good as the instruments you use to measure its impact.

So you need to figure out how to best measure that thing you want to measure? We can help! With a background in psychometrics, creating surveys and other measurement instruments is our specialty.

Our experts will work with you to understand your measurement needs and develop tools and instruments that are valid, reliable, and usable.


Let's tell everyone how great your program is

Communicating the results of your program or project to stakeholders is crucial to sustainability, support, and continuous quality improvement efforts. We will analyze and interpret your data and write evaluation reports to funders as well as help you develop appropriate communication methods for other stakeholders.

Do you need an external evaluator for your grant-funded project?

We have a strong record of partnering with organizations to develop evaluation plans to submit with grant proposals. From brainstorming to detailed process mapping and developing logic models, our experts can help outline and write final drafts of grant-related documents.

We also help clients develop strong proposals to submit to potential funders. We offer a portfolio of grant writing and editing services, program planning and design, and prospect research tailored to support your organization’s specific needs and goals.

grant writing

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